Sunday, September 29, 2013

Miss Short's Teaching Extravaganza

I am currently in the process of becoming a teacher, with just less than a year of school left. I am majoring in elementary and special education. I am so grateful for wonderful mentors that I have worked along the side with in my practicum placements. They have influenced my teaching methods, and prepared me for my future classroom. This part of my blog will be about my adventures as student-teacher, and eventually as a "real" teacher. Which will include experiences I've learned through, lesson ideas, and some crazy things students have said.

Why Teaching?
Nope, it's not the summers off that influenced me to become a teacher. Honestly  I have many silly reasons why I want to teach. Here are just ten silly reasons why I want to teach:

1.) I get to use stationary items everyday!! I'm all about that paper, pen, and sticky note life.
2.) I get to read children's books. ( I love pictures)
3.) I get to hang out with kids all day! (Adults stink)
4.) I have a playground at work....Never know when I might want to swings away my worries.
5.) I can do arts and craft projects everyday.(There's no reason to explain why this is great, it just is!)
6.) There's always something new to do!
7.) I love calendars/scheduling...lessons plans are just another form of calendars :)
8.) It gives me a reason to keep up to date with the Disney channel.
9.) I am able to decorate bulletin boards. (It brings out  interior designer in me)
10.) Miss Short has a good ring to it...

Now those are just the silly reasons...time to get serious. Ever since I was a little girl I have been interested in teaching. I used to come home from school and run to my playhouse to teach my stuff animals what I learned that day. It wasn't until I was in ninth grade that I really thought about a career for myself. My ninth grade year I took a class called teens-n-teaching. The class was designed to give you a sense for teaching in a casual way. We were responsible to make a lesson plan each week and go over to the elementary school next door to teach a life lesson, such as sharing to the third graders. When I noticed how much I loved the feeling of making a difference in the students' lives I realized this is exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Not to mention I had an awesome teacher who encouraged me that it was the right field for me.

Years later I have changed around my focus to different grade levels and options. I was set getting a degree in early childhood, but then years later my heart decided I needed to do elementary and special education. I am beyond thrilled with my major decision. However, it hasn't always been easy. Transferring from a community college to a university, and adding to my major has increased the amount of years of schooling. I am so anxious to get started and have my own classroom. Teaching is soooooo rewarding!! I look forward to enriching student's education and be to be a positive influence in their lives.

Miss Short Dances

My teaching experience has began as a dance teacher. Even though both titles have "Miss" in front of my name, teaching dance is much different than teaching education. Being a dance teacher is beyond fun! I am able to share my passion for the art with my students. Yes, there are no state standards to follow when I teach dance, however there is a technique   and a history behind dancing. I am a strong believer in the arts, and how they can be an outlet for students. It is a great way for students, and even adults to express themselves. Being a dance instructor is by far one of the best jobs I have ever had. 

October 4, 2013

I am currently working in two different schools in the Alhambra school district for my practicum. I am focusing on social studies and language arts methods in a fourth and fifth grade classroom. This is much different than I'm used because the area I'm around is definitely tough neighborhood than I'm used to. This is also the first time in a while where I wasn't observing students with disabilities. However, students with special needs are in every classroom whether or not it's noticeable with the naked eye.

God Puts You Where You Need to Be

Recently I have been having doubts about becoming a special education teacher. (I am being vulnerable with you...) I know I understand what students need when they have special accommodations, but at times I feel like I may fail them, or not be successful. It's hard to remain confident in my degree choice when people I am surrounded by make comments, such as "You must be very patient to work with those type of kids." Or knowing educators that have worked with students with special needs tell horror stories about their experiences. 

Luckily, I have never been the type to be influenced by others opinions. I have always been headstrong and devoted to getting to my goals, along with proving people wrong. Of course in the back of my mind I prepare myself for failure... I'm a realistic thinker. 

God always knows what I need in my life to keep me going, and this past week I experienced his reassurance that I am taking the correct path. 

In my fourth grade classroom that I am observing, I have a student who is autistic and receives an assistant for most of the school day. This past week the assistant had to leave early, and when she left the student began to break out in a tantrum. He was screaming, crying, and throwing things...everyone was avoiding him, and my mentor was trying to get him and the rest of the class to their art special. My mentor dropped him off at art, while he was still throwing a tantrum. 

As I watched how the other students were reacting to his actions, I noticed they were scared. I found an empty seat and sat next to him. Yes, I was quite scared that he might lash out and hit me, or that I might make the tantrum worse. As I began to sit down, he looked up and stared at me with confusion. I then started to ask him what was wrong, and all he sudden his tears began to stop and he talked through his feelings and I was able to get him to start on his art project. A few minutes later he was ready to learn and was in a better mood. This just goes to show you should never give up on anyone, especially students. Yes, it took a lot of patience and more time, but the end result was so worth it. All the student needed was someone to listen to him. 

God showed me to that I am capable of working with students with special needs. I know that not every situation is going to work out smoothly, and I am not going to know all the answers. But knowing in my heart I am trying my best to make a difference is all that matters. God is good! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Roxy and Natalie Adventures

Roxy the Princess Fairy Pug

Roxy rocked her Halloween costume!! This year she went as a Princess-Fairy pug. Man, I have the best pup ever! 

Roxy Travels Well

Weighing less than 20 pounds, Roxy would make the best carry on. Roxy is by far the biggest thing I miss as I am away to college. My whole life I grew up with a four-legged companion, and not to have one to cuddle up with in my dorm is quite lonely! I would gladly accept t-shirts with dog fur on them any day if that meant I could have Roxy by my side. I tried sneaking Roxy back to GCU by putting her in my duffle bag.... unfortunately we didn't get far. 

Puggy Picnic 

I was able to spend the weekend at home with this lovely pup. The first day of Fall was spent testing out picnic tables my dad made. Roxy loves sunshine on her belly and grass between her paws. I love spending days like this. So bliss. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Hidden Heart

One of my dear friends gave me the book called Captivating, by John and Stasi Elder to read for some inspiration and strength, unveiling the mystery of a woman’s soul. It couldn’t have been a more perfect gift, and at the most perfect time.  The week before I was struggling with where I stood in my life and where I was headed. I would be lying if I said relationships weren’t my biggest insecurity. As much as I want a relationship, and a man to love me…I am terrified. I am terrified to have to put myself out there to someone who can crush my heart at any given point. I am terrified to have my flaws discovered. I am terrified at the possibility of breaking someone else’s heart.  I juggle with being a big chicken, but also fearing being alone and unloved my entire life.

As I read Captivating, a chapter really stuck out to me. One of those moments where you truly feel the author of the book is stalking your life because it is right on cue with how your heart is feeling. Chapter three, titled “ Haunted by a Question”, speaks truth into my soul. It explains how there are many different types of women. There is the dominating woman, who is controlling in all circumstances, and needs no one. The type of woman who refuses to be vulnerable, but most importantly who has a hard time trusting God. The second type of woman is the desolate woman. The type of woman, who desperately yearns to be loved, but ends up heartbroken. Desolate women tend to hide their true value, and would rather not be seen.

As I was reading this chapter, I realized I fell under the hidden woman spectrum. I’ll be completely vulnerable to you, men terrify me. It’s not their strength, skills, or wisdom that frightens me… What freaks me out the most is my self worth to men. I honestly do not feel seen by them, nor do I want to be. I purposely hide. I hide by not speaking up because I fear I will say the wrong thing. I hide behind clothing and make-up that I want to magically make me attractive and give me superhero powers. I hide my hurt and low self-esteem with humor. I let people laugh at my flaws. But most importantly, I hide my heart.  John and Stasi could have not said it better, “ We hide because we are afraid. We have been wounded and wounded deeply…. To hide means to remain safe, to hurt less.” I have never had a good experience with men when it comes to relationships. I was always just that girl who stood next to the beautiful girls who were my friends. I considered myself a shadow of so many of my girlfriends. Men only became interested in me for the wrong reasons, and that was to get back at my friends for breaking up with them. When going out with friends, men would only approach us to talk to them… I was completely avoided. It’s really hard to grasp the reasoning why…the only thing I could come up with, would be my flaws. And then the comparison begins. “ I am not pretty enough, I am not skinny enough, I didn’t wear the right outfit, and I am not enough…” As foolish as it is for me to say those things, it is truly how my heart feels at those moments. 

I hide my heart because I am terrified for it to shatter into a million pieces. Sometimes I feel if I hide, I will be safe from pain and rejection. But unfortunately my plan of hiding from others is not working. I am constantly hurting from loneness, the feeling of not being accepted, and the devastation of feeling no matter what I do I will not be seek after by a man. 

Lets face it though…I’ve been hiding for quite some time. With men all around, I am constantly trying to camouflage myself instead of sticking out. I am constantly comparing myself to other beautiful women, in which I feel I could never amount to or compete against. But overall, God did not intend for me, or us to feel that way. We all have something so valuable to give to the world.

I may not be wanted from a man…but that does not define me. I know I have other skills, talents, and value to give to the world. Sometimes I refuse to show those attributes because of routine of hiding my self worth. I am in this constant battle of longing to be loved by a man, but the insecurity I am not enough so I hide my heart.  I pray for strength from God. I pray that he can build me up to the woman I need to be, and to prepare for a man. I hoping it is in God’s timing that perhaps one day he will bring a man into my life that wants me. I hope one to day to unveil my heart to the world, and not be frightened of what could go wrong. And if something may go wrong, I have the strength to surpass it.  I want the phrase “hidden heart”, to be hidden and only use the phrase “open heart” , which unveils my offerings to the world. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Get Your Craft On

A little fun fact about myself... I am obsessed with Pinterest, that might even be an understatement. It's probably the best invention, right next to the air conditioning. ( I am an Arizonian girl, so I cherish my air conditioning)....Any-who with all the inspiration from Pinterest, this section of my blog will be all DIY projects. 

Please feel free to comment and ask questions :)

Chevron Wreath
.December 19th.

I updated my bedroom wreath with new fabric and sassy flowers. 

  • Styrofoam Circle/Wreath
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Fabric of your chose ( I got mine from Hobby Lobby with a coupon)
  • Flowers or extras ( All my flowers are from Hobby Lobby
  • Burlap string or ribbon
  1. Take the fabric you purchased and cut them in strips. (I cut mine about an inch and half wide)
  2. Pin the fabric to the back side and begin wrapping it to cover the Styrofoam (Make sure to even overlap the fabric on top of each other)
  3. Pin the piece of fabric once it is all used, and begin with another strip of fabric.
  4. Add flowers by pinning or using a hot glue gun 
  5. Add burlap string to the top of the wreath to be able to hang on a hook
*Occasionally the fabric may lift up when wrapping. An option to keep it down is to hot glue it
*For the flowers you can choose to pin them in or hot glue. 

Pallet Tree & Star 
.December 7th.

I love pallets! I can't take any credit for this beauty, my dad made this pallet tree. So easy, and such a good idea!!! Please follow him on his Facebook page where he makes custom furniture at Shorty's Custom Woodworks. He's the best!!

Mini Chalkboard
.December 1st.
One of my top Christmas movies is ELF!!! I thought I would share my chalkboard art, inspired by ELF. Chalkboards are an easy way to change out sayings for holidays, celebrations, or just inspirational quotes. I highly recommend it. 

PS. This marker is from Stampin Up. It doesn't wash off with water, I use rubbing alcohol  but it writes so nicely on my whiteboard. 

Miss Arizona Board & Glitzy Pinecones 
.November 27th.
Sorry I've been slacking on my craft projects due to my school schedule, but now that I'm on break for a week it's craft overload in Natalie's world. :)

Miss Arizona Board

I have seen this done on Pinterest, and I've been wanting to do one FOREVER!!! 


  • Board of your choice (I found mine at Hobby Lobby)
  • Paint color of your choice
  • Paint brush
  • Nails 
  • Hammer
  • Crochet Thread (You can use whatever type of string you want really, I found mine at Hobby Lobby)
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Your state outline & heart
  1. First paint your board any color you want ( I chose a lighter gray)
  2. Go online and find an outline of your state that is the right size to print out. You can always get it blown up bigger at a copy center. While you are doing this find a heart you like too.
  3. Tape the outline to the board
  4. Nail on the outline of your state and heart
  5. Pull paper out from nails (You might have to go back and get the paper that is stuck 
  6. Take your string and make a knot one of the nails on the heart. (Be strategic of where you want to start depending on your state. For example, I started the top center of my heart and went left.)
  7. Begin wrapping string around the nails
  8. When you reach the end, knot to the last nail
Note- I had to go around the heart nails more than once to make it spread out. 

Glitzy Pinecones 

Super duper easy & full of Christmas cheer!!


  • Pinecones (I got my on sale at Target last year)
  • Gold Glitter (Joanns) 
  • Elmer's Glue
  • Something underneath to collect the glitter ( I used a paper plate)
  1. Take a pinecone and put glue on all the visible places seen (spread evenly) 
  2. Put plate under pinecone
  3. Shake glitter onto the glue areas 
  4. Shake access glitter off
Note- You may want to spray hairspray on the pinecones afterwards, this will help the glitter stick better. :)
Wah-lah!! You got yourself some fancy pinecones!! 

Candy Corn Trees 
.October 31st.

Happy Fall!! All you need is a hot glue gun, styrofoam cones, yellow, orange, and white yarn! Just begin stringing the yarn in a circle. I made sure to make the yellow section small, the orange section the largest, and the white medium. I went back and did a second layer of the yarn for each color to make sure there were no gaps to see the styrofoam. I love Fall!! :)

Jewelry Displayed Frame 

I believe accessories are a piece of art and should be displayed!! I found an old frame, and spray-painted it black. I took the back off of the frame and found chicken wire at Home Depot and stapled it onto the back of the frame. I found these precious clothespins in the dollar section at Target and clipped them onto the wire. You can also just clasp your jewelry to the wire, but this was easier for me to grab and go. And BOOM.... your jewelry is a piece of art. 

Black and Red Vintage Wreath

The easiest way to spruce up a door and make it feel homey is by creating  a fabric wreath. I went to Hobby Lobby to get the styrofoam circle, picked out my fabric, ribbon, and extra pizzaz items to make it all come together. All you have to do is cut the fabric into strips and wrap around the circle. You can either hot glue, or pin the fabric to the wreath. I personally like pinning it because you can always change it up. 

Chevron Deer 

I first started this project by creating stencils for the chevron stripes, and for the deer head. I printed out a template of a deer head on card-stock. I painted the chevron stripes first and waited for it to dry. After that was complete I outlined the deer head. I filled the middle with Elmer's glue and sprinkled gold glitter onto the glue. When the entire deer head was covered with glitter I shook off the access. I would have to say I am really proud of this project.

Bling Keys Will Never be Lost 

All you need is a key that is super boring, your favorite color of glitter, and Elmer's glue. Start off by placing glue on the upper part of the key. Make sure not to go to low on the key because then your key won't work. Once the glue is spread, sprinkle the glitter onto the glue and wait for it to dry. Wait until it is fully dry to do the other side. And wa-la you have super keys!! 

Vintage Cork board

This is such an easy fix to a boring cork board. I found this cute damask fabric at Joann's, along with the teal ribbon I used to outline/ hid the insert of the fabric. You can either use a staple gun to attach the fabric, or you can use a knife to tuck into the corners of the board. It depends on the type of board you have. Now I have a cute board to display quotes and pictures. 

Country Chic Mason Jars

I absolutely love mason jars, they are so country chic! All I did was hot glue scraps of fabric onto the jar. Then I hot glued burlap ribbon around the top. The charms on the jars are from old necklaces that I do not wear anymore. ( I love incorporating accents from things I have around the house).  The top two mason jars I use for my hairbrushes and coins. The bottom mason jar I use to hold my pens at work. 

Simply Lovely Mason Jar

Glitter Clothespin 

More Crafts to Come Soon...