Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...I'm a Scrooge, How About You?

Photo Image:

Well, it's that time of year again where Valentines Day is approaching and everyone is trying to make it the most perfect and most romantic day of their lives. Maybe Cupid shot you with the love arrow, or maybe he is slacking at his job. 

I don't know about you, but I DREAD Valentines Day... I think it silly made up holiday that forces people to show their love for one another within 24 hours. I know, I know... I only say this because I am single and am bitter. The only date I have for Valentines Day, is the actual date.... February 14th... The day I wear black and act like scrooge. {I'm exaggerating...maybe ;)}

For all those single people out there that hate this day as much as I do... or if you just don't know what to do because all your friends are in relationships and this leaves you sitting on the couch like a sack of potatoes and not receiving that adorable stuff animal with a heart on it, while they are on cute dates opening presents of chocolates and cheesy items... Here is a silly little list of ideas to keep you occupied: 

1.) Send flowers to yourself at work...make it listed as from anonymous so your co-workers will assume you have a boo. The co-workers will ask who it could be...and you can respond, "Who knows, the possibilities are endless." (This will make them think you're a real catch and that you don't have a steady boyfriend/girlfriend because you're just having fun dating.) 

2.) Cuddle with a dog (This solves all problems, and is my personal favorite) 

3.) Treat yourself to something....( You deserve it, you had to spend this day watching others receive gifts, why not give yourself a gift)  

4.) Plan which store to go to the day after Valentine's Day to get marked down chocolate and eat your sadness away....this could take all night to plan. 

5.) Celebrate Arizona's birthday [Make it a BIG deal]. Take pictures with the Arizona flag, make a cake that says "Happy birthday Arizona!"....maybe your single friends can come to the celebration. Who doesn't love the 48th state!? :) 

6.) Go to the movies and throw popcorn at couples...they could be hungry so really you are doing them a favor ;) 

7.) I mean... you could just ask that special person who you have been interested in for a while on a date...  ( I'm a BIG chicken, so more power to you if you do this one). 

8.)  Go to the places where you know most people will go on dates...when the couples try to go in for the hug or kiss,  scream really loud " NO PDA!" (while having a shirt that says it, and a sign (The key here is to be as obnoxious as possible))....or you can find a way to squeeze in between them to make the moment super awkward. 

9.) Have an Anti-Valentines day party ( I suggest not watching chick flicks/ love stories). Invite everybody single you know... if you do not know anyone always have me.

10.) Sleep all day...and eventually it will be February 15th and the love will vanish ;) 

11.)  Do something athletic and listen to the song " I Don't Need a Man." or "Who Run the World" on repeat... sorry men, I don't really have an inspiring song for you. 

12.) Here's a tip...stay away from social media ALL day. Otherwise, you will be forced to see lovey-dovey pictures of couples. Unless you are into that... ha.

13.) Deliver nice cards to your pals/family that explains how much you love and appreciate them. 

14.) Walk up to someone cute at the store who has their hand down by their side and try to hold hands with them...when they look at you funny, just say "Oh, sorry!!! I thought you were my boyfriend/girlfriend."  Who knows this might strike an interesting conversation. I only listed this one because I secretly want to do it...

15.) Last by not least....Go on Amazon and invest in a girlfriend/boyfriend pillow... cuddle buddy for life. * For the record, I did not invest in one...I was given one from my family* 

I hope you all survive the holiday whether you are single or in a relationship. I know there is a lot of pressure caused from the holiday, but just have fun with it... Love yourself!! 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunshiny in Natalieville

This week I was blessed with beautiful weather to soak into my skin, in the month of January! The perks of being an Arizonian is that we have 70 degree weather in January {It's BEAUTIFUL}. 

This week I kept counting my blessings, that I couldn't just choose one to reflect upon.

Five Highlights of this week:

Being a college student and working for a college means I was given the day off for MLK day. Such a needed day of rest and spending time with my friends and family. I was able to spend some quality time with the Lord. I hate to say that being busy sometimes distracts me for Christ, but unfortunately it does. I was reminded how great I feel with I spend my "Jesus time". 

My practicum experiences are going splendid this semester. I am finding a lot more time to actually talk to my mentors during the time I am spending in class and I am growing more than ever as a future educator with all their advice. I am constantly worried that I am not going to be as of a successful teacher as I want to be, but working with these kids I realize it is not so much about being successful. It's about being there for them, emotionally and physically, and I at least  know that I can be there for them as a support system. 

Practicum Highlight: This week I was able to go to my student's art special with them. As I followed them into the class, the kids asked, "Miss Short, are you staying for art?!". I replied that I was, and within seconds I had students cheering with big grins on their faces. Something so little to me, was so BIG to them. I love being needed by kiddos. 

This week I was reminded how blessed I am to have wonderful friendships. This year has been crazy busy with everything I am involved in, which leaves me for little time to hang out with everyone I adore. I finally had time to get together with some gems to just have life talks. These are my favorite! I live for deep conversations that really make you ponder yourself and life. I was reminded that I am so lucky to walk along the side of these people,  and share laughs, support, and memories together. 

{Great Experience}
My school is great! I was able to go to our basketball game with my family and get to see Duck Dynasty's star, Willie Robertson. Not only did he pray before the game, he gave such a wonderful speech at the end of the game about success and how is relationship with Christ reflects his actions. For a famous guy, he is SO real and SO humble. 

{Be a Blessing}
Sunday, my friends and I were about to leave for church, like we do most Sundays. As we met in the lobby, there was a guy sitting alone in the lobby. We were about to leave when he asked if we were going to church. We responded with yes, are you? He explained that he was supposed to but his friend wasn't answering his phone calls or text messages, and he didn't have a car. We offered for him to go with us. Of course, when things happen like this, there is a sense of awkwardness because you are letting a complete stranger into your life. However, this given moment I realized how wonderful and caring my friends truly are. Not many people are willing to go out of their way for a stranger to make them feel welcome, and be intentional with them, but my friends demonstrated such an act of kindness . Normally when we go to church we all get lunch together... I wasn't sure if that was still part of our plan with having an additional guest, but eventually we decided that we were going to continue with our routine with our new friend we made. The guy was so grateful and enjoyed the day with us, it was amazing. It was such a great feeling to make someone's day, especially a stranger. 

Hope you all have a great week! Count your blessings. :) 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Miss Short Begins Her Last Practicum

This week I began my last semester of practicum...this is crazy talk!!! Even though it has taken me quite some time to come to the end of my schooling, I am grateful the experience of working in so many classrooms!  I am nervous to begin student teaching next semester, but I am soooooo ready to be teaching my own kiddos.

This semester I am given the opportunity to work in a third grade classroom and in a resource classroom, within two different schools, districts, and teachers. It definitely keeps me busy, and on my toes with so many students to keep track of. 

Thursday, I met my third grade mentor and students after lunch. As soon as walked in I was already interacting with the students. Normally on the first day of practicum, I observe in the back, while the students stare at me, trying to figure out who the weird lady is in the classroom. My mentor asked me to come to the front of the classroom and explain who I was, and what I will be doing in their classroom this year. After I gave a brief bio about myself, I took answers from the students.... this was the best part. :) 

As I called on students, I received these responses:

"I like your hair!!!"

Student: "Miss Short, what is your real name?"
Me: "Natalie"
Students: "Aw that is such a cute name." 

"I really like bacon. Do you?"

"Are you going to teach us? I hope so!"

"I think you are going to do great!"

"You live in the Grand Canyon?!"

Later on, I walked with my class to their art special and had a meeting with my mentor. Talking to this woman made me so excited to work in her classroom. Not only is she so professional and a great teacher, she is willing to help me become the best teacher I can be. She offered me lessons to teach in her classroom, and the opportunity to make my own lessons up for the students. You don't realize what a hard transition it is from observing and helping students, to actually being in charge of content of 30 students. Of course I get a tad nervous with the great responsibility, but this is the time to learn. :) I am so grateful!! 

And onto the next pracitcum...

Friday, I began my resource placement in an elementary school. 

A little insight before I share this experience.... Each time I am given a placement by my TED and the district, I look up the ratings and other information about the school I will be working with. (Sometimes I wish I wouldn't so it would be a surprise...but it's in my nature to research schools). As I looked at the rankings, I was shocked how low this school scored. The school only ranked two stars. I have worked at some pretty tough schools, with low-income families, but some of the comments I saw, I was shocked. 

I kept the negative comments out of my head, and showed up to the school ready to help the students. As I interacted in the classroom with the students who came in and out all day, I discovered some interesting facts about the school. One student mentioned that they kept receiving new students in their classroom. My mentor asked how many students they had in their class now... (I was assuming about 30-32)... The student responds with 55. At that moment, I don't think I hid the look on my face very well. Of course I thought the student was exaggerating, but then I asked my mentor if she was serious, and unfortunately she was. 

It took everything in me to be okay with that. Fifty-five students in a fourth grade classroom?! Are you kidding me?! Grant it they do have two teachers in the classroom...but still! It blows my mind that schools would think this is okay. The ratings of the schools fled back into my head, and it all started to make sense to me why this school was lacking. It breaks my heart for those kids. Elementary school is where they receive the foundation of all their learning... (If you couldn't tell I'm a "little" bit passionate about education) 

I asked my mentor how many students he had on his caseload, he responded with 40... That means 40 IEPs, at least 40+ meetings, and over 40 IEP goals he has to help his students achieve. Not a simple task for just one teacher if you ask me. 

I am not a baby, I know teaching is difficult, especially being a SPED teacher...even when some think it is one of the easiest professions out there. But we need to help our schools out!!! Having one resource teacher for 40 students is crazy! Students in this program need special attention, but aren't receiving it! 

As hard as it is to accept the facts of what is occurring at this school, I have to look at this experience as something I can learn from. But mostly, I need to be there for those students who walk into the classroom. Most teachers do not desire to work in tough schools...but the more I get involved in them, I realize the importance of the role of a teacher. Teachers are needed by the students, and as teachers we should want to be needed. Yes, working in fancy schools is fantastic...but there is a sense of students not clinging to you. I almost feel that your role is so much higher when you work at a low-income school. Not only are you a teacher; you are a mentor, supporter, and a light to the kids. 

In the end it is always worth it. <3