As I was a part of the classroom today, I realized there is so many things I learned in one school day as a student teacher, than I did in my college courses!!! So lucky you, you get a fancy dancy list of my knowledge...and a few funny things my first graders said today.
1. Invest in Depends...there is literally NO time to go to the bathroom. I have successfully controlled my bladder for 8 hours... #teacherproblems #proud
2. Go to Costco...get Advil. I love kiddos, but with their jitters, my jitters...the amount of talking, not losing a child for entire day, and being "with-it" all day is just asking for a headache!
3. I was always advised not to go to the teacher lounge by my college professors for a reason. Today I entered the lounge with my mentor to have our lunch, and I learned my lesson. I really advise all soon to be teachers not to do it if you want to stay positive and energized. {Feel it out at a first, but run away from negativity right away.... I refuse to be a burnt out teacher}
4. If you are Arizonan teacher, keep giving your students water. My poor kiddos came in from recess with rosy red cheeks, and sweaty hair stuck to their faces. I have never heard a child ask to come in from recess! It's too darn hot!
5. Schedule- "smchedule".... The first days of school you need to be flexible, and just go with it. Know when you need to be somewhere like recess or a special, but do not expect to hit everything on your list, and do not get discouraged when you don't get to it all in one day...especially when your working with little kiddos!
6. I like hand sanitizer. A LOT!!... It answers the questions, "Did your really wash your hands?" "Were you picking your nose?" You can never trust the little chickens with being sanitary.
7. As crazy as the day is/was... Hearing the words "I love reading!", or "First grade is AWESOME!" is so worth it!
8. Perfect the the teacher look! It puts an end to so many disruptions without saying a word.
9. You can never have too many supplies! Hit the sales, stock up! It's better to have too much than not enough.
10. For some reason everything you learned during college you forget all the fancy titles and meanings, and you either just do it...or it doesn't stick. You'll find discover a lot of things your mentor does, and have the aw-ha moments!
11. Pray for your students. I know religion is not a part of public schools, but that doesn't mean you can't continue to practice yours. I know many adults have the impression, "well they are kids, their lives aren't hard." However, it is super tough to be a kid. Like us adults, they have problems...sometimes more problems than us. Pray for yourself as a teacher! You are the light to these students' lives. You need to be on it, supportive, and energized!
12. Invest stock in Vitamin C.
13. Say the student's name every opportunity get. By the end of the day I have mastered all 24 student's name with their faces. {It also helps if you put your students in abc order by last name so you can practice with the roll sheet}
14. Stay strong. It's hard balancing being strict with your kids, but also letting them know you want their learning to be fun and that you care about them. Balance yourself right away to have a successful year!
15. Always remind yourself why you entered the profession. We live in a world where it is easy to get caught up in the negativity. Don't follow the trend! We need more passionate, energized, and positive teachers who want to be there!
Silly Kids
"Hi, I'm Miss Short and I'll be a teacher in your classroom"
Student drops down and does a push up.... "I'm strong!"
"My dad says you need to wash your hands or you'll all get pink eye" -That's one way to get your kid to wash their hands...ha
"Miss Short, you're a dancer."
* I panic thinking how does she know this*
"You teach at the studio I go to, and I saw you on stage during recital."
"But if you're a dancer, how can you be a teacher?"
Student takes top layer of his shirt off...."Miss Short, my shirt says I am a chick magnet."
Student-"You shouldn't crawl in the trashcan"
Teacher-"Have you?"
During story time a squirmy student asks,
Student-"I need to go to my desk."
Me- *Teacher look*
Student- "Just kidding, I'll sit hear and finish listening to the story"
"Oh my goodness, I love first grade!"
"Hey you, what's your name?"
"Miss Short."
"I'm so excited to tell my mom about you!"
*Student runs to meet his mom*
"Mom, this is Miss Little and she is awesome." *He points to me*