Monday, September 2, 2013

That Awkward Girl

Crazy Dog Lady Problems

I always mention how I am totally content being a crazy dog lady...However it really hit me that I am portraying this role a little too well. (It's not like I have a blog about my dog or anything...ha). 

Anyways, here's another moment of my awkward life to share with you beauties. I was crushing on this guy last year, quite silly if you ask me. Any-who... my friend ends up having to do a group project with him, and thought it was a good idea to tell him about me. And of course when you tell others about someone, Facebook/Instagram always ends up being the way to show off that person. Mistake number one!! 

As my friend showed him flattering pictures of me (NOT), I asked her what his reaction was...At this moment I'm not sure what I was expecting him to say, maybe like a little "Aw" or something. And here's the magical punch line... "Wow, it looks like she really likes her dog." REALLY?!?! This answers the question why I am still single. Maybe guys are intimidated of the love I have for my dog??? Ha-ha girl has jokes on jokes!! Who knows...but next time I see him, I will forever be the crazy dog lady. 

Note to self: 
-Make sure to spread out the dog pictures on social media 
-Being a crazy dog lady is a talent of mine (At least I got something going for me)
-Be prepared to be forever single
-Wear a bag over my head for the rest of my life

"Good Morning!" Said the Fire Alarm 

So I warned you I’m just an awkward mess…You can’t make these things up. 
Today was my first day of RA training, and boy did it start off to a good start. Not only was I completely exhausted from moving in yesterday, I was totally discombobulated on where I was when I heard this strange beeping sound followed by a creepy robot voice.
As soon as I heard the words from robot lady “There is a fire in your area, please evacuate”, I almost jumped out of bed without a thought not realizing I’m sleeping  five feet off the ground. (Fail number 1). Then of course once I almost ran out of the door I realized A- My hair looks like I could be Mufasa… and B- Um I don’t have a bra on, and that needs to change. So being the quick thinker I am I grabbed my bra and let my hair be. (Fail number 2). Then as soon as I was about to go out for real, I realized I needed my keys. (Yes, because if there was a fire I would definitely need my keys to open a burnt down building…great thinking Natalie…another fail). So I searched for my keys, and had my bra under my shirt not even snapped…haha. Then I finally left my room and sped walk down the hallway like an Olympic speed walker. As I was about to open the door I was greeted by a young security guard ( of course my luck, right?!). He looked surprised, probably thinking this fire alarm has been going on for a while and this girl is finally evacuating. He stopped me to tell me it was just a test and that I didn’t have to evacuate. (Great… I just ran around my room like a maniac to discover this)…. In the midst of talking to him,  I was awkwardly covering my chest trying to hold down the bra that wasn’t even properly on, my hair looking like Mufasa, having nasty morning breath, and a scary face with no make-up on. Let me just add, this wasn’t just a “hey you don’t need to be evacuate”…no this was a let me tell you what we are doing in detail. Come on man…lets just be best friends and die in a fire together while you’re making me stand here with you…
Any-who I’m alive, and my dorm didn’t burn down… and now I know the fire alarm works. I had to listen to it beep all morning and afternoon. So there was no going back to sleep. Good news is none of my staff saw what a mess I am.

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